
[twitter account, 109 posts, 2015-2016]

@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015

| I woke up one day realizing I’m a user, a citizen of the Internet. Am I experiencing the meta now or just the metadata? My human condition transfigured into something different, and I started questioning things from this new perspective. |

@le_tempsperdu is an online project framed on a twitter account. Blending melancholia and irony on Internet imagery, the text deforms existential and moral questions, tracing a personal user experience. Having as motto a line from Peter Greenaway’s A Zed & Two Noughts (How much of your body can you lose and still recognise yourself?), the whole project aims to capture the paradoxes of my virtual condition. In the digital pieces attached to each post I go from using my own image to playing with famous artworks, quotes, error messages, print screens and personal photos.

Click here to scroll my twitter

@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2016
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2016
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015
@le_tempsperdu, twitter post, 2015

*the visual part of @le_tempsperdu has no consistency and was meant purely as a constant exercise, a motivation to keep learning the graphic programs; most of the pictures and gifs attached to the posts were made randomly, some were taken from other projects I was already working on, like Complexul Saloanelor or were elements from my pages on NewHive
**the audio inserted here comes from the video sample created specially for the Digital Solitude's fellowship application, a visual mix of all the works I've done till that point. I guess it worked and @le_tempsperdu got me the Akademie Solitude's Digital Fellowship in 2017

Constantly on
twitter... until the platform decides to close the account