
|Describe your online activity in 1024 pixels or less|

Taietzel Ticalos (b. 1986) is a visual artist based in Bucharest, Romania. Her experimental 3D visuals are applied on unusual personal researches, mostly with a critical perspective on how technology blurs the line between the real and the virtual and how it reinforces gender biases. Designed for the screen and inclined towards the development of speculative narratives, her projects have shifted from attempting to capture the paradoxes of the online medium to reflecting on the consequences of the algorithmic age.

Between 2014-2016 she coordinated with Gabriela Mateescu the mobile group Nucleu 0000, a flexible collective of young Romanian artists. Since 2019 they manage together the digital art platform spam-index.com.

*a bunch of low-res gifs and images, posted on @le_tempsperdu

cover letter

cover letter







online memory

online memory



no reply

no reply



sex object

sex object

fake picture

fake picture



shall I?

shall I?

you wish!

you wish!

official artist pic aka 'bloody artist'

official artist pic aka 'bloody artist'

Other unrequested info:

► Taietzel Ticalos is not my real name (but any Romanian speaker would know that).
The name comes from the id used (since the beginning of my user experience) on most of my accounts and plays with an old Romanian online habit of turning diacritics into 2-letters, instead of actually using them.
I'm constantly asked if the name is written Taietzel Ticalos or Tăietzel Ticălos. *[write it as you wish, just keep the same order for the letters]
► I don't have an art degree... *[drum roll]* ...but, hey, you don't need one to use the Internet!
► I've made almost all of my works while having a full or part-time job.
► I'm a horizontal artist. *[my bed is my studio, baby!]
► I'm frequently collaborating with Cutra.
► I have a demon-cat named Click and she has her own Telegram sticker pack.

If you use Telegram, click here to download the Click'ers

my demon cat Click